#33: Uni is just a game of constantly trying to keep up!
It just seems to never end! As soon as one assignment is turned in or another chapter of book notes is done, something else gets added to my to-do list! The unfortunate part of "study abroad" is the "study" part... But, I've managed to learn a lot this week and actually have some fun doing it! I made a pretty interesting video about Boyle's Law and the physics behind breathing (see above) and learned quite a bit about cancer genetics and heritability while preparing for my genetics exam next week! Similar to last week, the most fun I had was on Friday, meeting with Urban Life to hang out, play fun games, and just de-stress after a tough week! Unfortunately next week isn't going to let up but I have a visit to Mornington next weekend to look forward to and get me through the week!
When people ask me why I decided to come to Australia, I sometimes say because everyone speaks English here! I don't fluently speak any other languages so it definitely would've been a struggle to go somewhere for half a year whereI don't speak the native language! But since I got here, I've realised that they have so much slang here that when combining that with some people's really strong accents, it's basically like another language! Now I understand why they gave us a list of terms to know when we first arrived! So, for you entertainment (and to help me along the way), I've starting compiling a "glossary" of sorts that I've been adding to throughout the last couple weeks. Click here to check it out!
When people ask me why I decided to come to Australia, I sometimes say because everyone speaks English here! I don't fluently speak any other languages so it definitely would've been a struggle to go somewhere for half a year whereI don't speak the native language! But since I got here, I've realised that they have so much slang here that when combining that with some people's really strong accents, it's basically like another language! Now I understand why they gave us a list of terms to know when we first arrived! So, for you entertainment (and to help me along the way), I've starting compiling a "glossary" of sorts that I've been adding to throughout the last couple weeks. Click here to check it out!